Artificial Intelligence: Opportunity and Challenge

Today thanks to Artificial Intelligence – machines engineered to have human-like intelligence – Siri answers our questions, Safety Sense 2.0 drives our Toyotas, cultures are bridged by Google Translate, and AlphaGo is the world champion of Go, a 2500-year-old game with more move choices than the number of atoms in the observable universe.

“It is difficult to think of a major industry that AI will not transform. This includes healthcare, education, transportation, retail, communications, and agriculture.”

Andrew Ng: Founder Google Brain and; Adjunct Professor, Stanford University

Based in the Portland, Oregon area, Thinking Teams consults with decision makers and organizations in the US and internationally.  We help our clients navigate opportunities and risks presented by the development and use of advanced AI technologies.

  • What is AI? What can it do? What can’t it do?
  • How will AI change the world of work?
  • How can AI and people best complement each other?
  • What are the opportunities, challenges, and risks introduced by AI?

With broad and deep experience in AI technologies and an extensive background in organizational leadership and consulting, we work with our clients to co-create organizations founded on clear vision, open and respectful communication, effective collaboration, wholeheartedness, and where human and machine intelligence work in harmony.

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